Selasa, 15 November 2011

Cheat StarCraft II - PC

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Press enter during gameplay to bring up a message prompt. Type in the following code to get the desired effect. Warning: These codes disable Achievements

moredotsmoredotsUnits/Structures no longer cost resources
terribleterribledamageInvincibility and increased damage
whysoseriousGives 5,000,000 credits
tyuhasleftthegamedisable victory condition
jaynestownGives 5000 Terrazine
realmendrilldeep5,000 Vespene Gas
IAmIronmanUpgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1
SoSayWeAllDisables tech requirements
=Re-enters the last cheat used
QroteroDisables the time of day
DZMHairSpringGives 5000 Custom resources
furabrancheryOpens the UNN broadcast menu
NeverGiveUpNeverSurrenderDisables defeat conditions
OverEngineeredCodePiecePlays the song "Terran up the Night"
eyeofsauronOpens cutscene menu
HanShotFirstDisables Ability Cooldown
wapboinkersResearch points granted
lyingpectMission Select
cadeasygoinLose the current game
reversingnazaire -or- basestarsprimativeFast Build
cmethodfeedbackWin current game
sawnoutofmemoryFog of War disabled
ypoonsvoicemailDisable defeat conditions
stroaksmolts5,000 Minerals
smoldersbolds5,000 Minerals and Gas
mintmansoperatorDisable food requirements
fsbcomunicacionFast Heal
TookTheRedPillDisable Fog of War
Bunker55AliveInsideRemove the Supply Cap
LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEvenInstant Defeat
WhatIsBestInLifeInstant Win
SpectralTigerGrant 5000 minerals
WhoRunBartertownGrant 5000 of each resources
CatFoodForPrawnGunsFast Build
ImADoctorNotARoachJimFast Heal
LeaveYourSleepUnlock all missions
StayClassyMarSaraAccess to all UNN Broadcasts
HoradricCubeUnlock all Research options
JaynestownGrant 5000 Terrazine

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